
Things that may be useful

Getting a job in science

See the practical guide to getting an academic job that I wrote back in 2022. It provides a list of the resources that I found helpful while applying, a description of the materials you will need to prepare, and a variety of advice that I received. If you want more information, please get in touch with me directly.

Helpful resources for doing neuroscience


  • Suite2p - Calcium imaging registration and source extraction

  • MLspike - Event detection, works well for Purkinje cell dendrites

  • Kilosort - Spike sorting for Neuropixels and other multichannel extracellular ephys probes

  • Phy - Ephys data curation

  • NeuroPyxels - Ephys data analysis (designed for Neuropixels). Written by Maxime Beau

  • GLMnet - Generalized Linear Model fitting software, See Jonathan Pillow’s lecture at Cosyne 2018 for a primer on how to use this.


Building a better scientific community (neuro-centric)

Primary literature, essays, and reviews that quantify inequality

Organizations and resources

Lab stuff